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Often times I get this question.
How much money do I need to buy a house out of pocket MINIMUM!!!
So here is the layout on $100,000 FHA home
Down Payment FHA   3.5%                                      $3,500
1 Bank fees of                                                       $1,900
2 Title and Escrow ***                                           $1,500
3 Impounds (3 month first payment in June)***            $312
4 Insurance 1 year***                                             $576
5 Appraisal***                                                       $350
6 Interest                                                              $145
TOTAL FEES                                                                    $8,283
Lender Credit (when available)                                  $1,000
Interest Rate adjustment                                         $2,500
Total Credits                                                                     $3,500
Fees                                            $8,283
Credits                                         $3,500
Out of Pocket                                      $4,783
This is BEST case scenario closing in April 1st payment in June and not the best rate available!!!

1 Bank Fees
These are the fees for the loan; they are disclosed as many different titles but they all boil down to bank fees.
2 Title and Escrow
These are chosen by the “Listing Agent” these fees are variable and many brokerage houses get some form of compensation for referring. Because the buyer has no idea what “Title” and “Escrow” are they have no idea what fees should be.
This is where some Mortgage Brokers make up their fees when they say “NO Points No Fees”.
3 Impounds
Impounds (property taxes) (9 months required worst case scenario), (1 month best case scenario). Taxes are usually 1.25% of appraised value. $100,000 x1.25=1,250 /12 =104.16 @ month unless there is a Mello Roos (this is local tax and changes the game again).
4 Insurance
Insurance 1 year approx 576/12 $48 per month…usually needed upfront.
5 Appraisal
            This is an area with a lot of room for variance in cost $350 - $900 on a $100,000 house should be about $350.00
6 Interest
Interest of 15 days (common amount needed of standard loans)   100,000 x 3.5% = 3,500/12=291.67/30=9.72x15=   145.83

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