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Short Sale Consequences!!!
Short Sale-Funny Video Serious Topic!!!


I am glad you contacted me today regarding your mortgage situation.
I will recap so we have clear understanding.
You purchased your house in the year 2000 for $325,000.
In 2005 you took out a 2nd HELOC $264,000.
In 2011 you used the HARP program to modify your mortgage which reduced the interest rate on your 1st but not the principal.
You currently owe $520,000.00 and fair market value of your house is $370,000
This means you are currently $130,000 underwater.

You are asking the bank for principal reduction but you don’t think that they are going to give it to you.
You have already used the program available to help you (HARP/2) but you are still in an unfavorable situation (you can only use HARP/2 once).

You are considering walking away if you don’t get principal reduction.


If you handle this correctly you can “Short Sale your house 1 day and qualify for a new loan the very same day!!!

Let me say that again…

If you handle this correctly you can “Short Sale your house 1 day and qualify for a new loan the very same day!!!

I co-ordinate with qualified realtors and we create a team to do just this transaction for you.
You must stay current on your mortgage.

This must be handled perfectly or the waiting period WILL BE 3 YEARS!!!

If you chose this route I will walk you thru the entire process and you will leave the underwater home and enter the new home almost simultaneously.

Sometimes this is the best of a bad situation.
I hope this helps.

Lee Duran

Short Sale-Funny Video Serious Topic!!!

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